Adding Incremental Subscriptions to a Group

Follow the steps below if you need to add a subscription that performs incremental replication to an existing group of incremental replication subscriptions. The new subscription must use the same source and destination as the other subscriptions in the group.

  1. Review the General Group Properties to ensure that the options that affect new subscriptions are set as desired. The Replicate Indexes and Force Use of RRN group properties determine whether indexes and constraints are replicated, and whether a RRN column is added to the staging table for the subscription. The Force Use of RRN option is applicable only if the source database is Db2 for i or Oracle.

  2. Select the Members folder of the group to which you want to add a subscription.

  3. Right-click and select the Insert Member command. The Add Subscription Wizard appears so you can define the subscription you want to add.

  4. In the Select the Source pane of the Add Subscription Wizard, specify the appropriate source filter and click Refresh to display the source objects.

  5. Specify the appropriate database information in the Select the Destination pane. The new subscription must use the same DSN as the other subscriptions in the group, but you can specify the destination database information for this subscription.

  6. Complete the Add Subscription Wizard, specifying the columns and selecting any indexes that you want to replicate.

After you save the subscription a dialog appears so you can run a baseline replication if desired. A baseline replication must be run before the Replicator Service can begin tracking changes to the source data for incrementally updating the destination.