You may need to change the properties of an existing subscription, such as if the schedule for the replication needs to be modified or if the table structure of the data is changed.
Clicking OK after you change or just view the group properties will save the subscription and require a new baseline replication be run. If you only want to view the properties without making changes or triggering a new baseline, click Cancel instead of clicking OK to close the Properties dialog.
In the main Replicator Manager window, double-click the subscription you want to edit, or right-click and select the Properties command.
In the Subscription Properties dialog, click the appropriate tab to display the information you want to change.
If source table structure changes affect the data that is subscribed to, click the Columns tab of the Subscription Properties dialog and then click the Rebuild Column List button to refresh the list of source columns before you save the subscription.
If you change any subscription properties that affect the structure of an existing destination table, click the Destination tab and use one of the following methods to alter the destination table structure to match the subscription's requirements:
For a table with no referential integrity constraints, select to re-create the table, which will drop the existing table and create a new one with the structure defined by the current subscription settings.
For a table with referential integrity constraints, select Use Existing Table and use a SQL utility to modify the existing destination table to match the new structural requirements defined by the subscription.
Click OK to approve the subscription properties.
Note that, if the subscription also is a member of one or more groups, changing the group property options Replicate All Indexes or Replicate All Constraints also changes the selections on the subscription's Indexes tab. Whichever selections are made last to the indexes and constraints properties are the choices that will be in effect when the subscription is run, individually or as a member of a group.