Getting Started

After you install the Data Replicator software, you need to perform the following steps to configure the environment necessary for replicating data.

  1. We recommend using a DSN-less connection string to connect to the control database. However, if you prefer to use an ODBC data source and it does not already exist, configure an ODBC DSN for the local Replicator Service control database.

  2. Ensure that the Replicator Service has permission to access its control database, and that the DBMS systems that you want to replicate to and from have appropriate database permissions set for the source and destination tables. See Configuring Database Permissions for more information.

  3. If it is not already running, start the DB2 for LUW or SQL Server service.

  4. If you are using Db2 for LUW for a control database, ensure that the database SQDRC has been created. This is automatically created by the installer for SQDR Plus. Use the command db2 list database directory to see a list of existing Db2 for LUW databases; use db2 create database SQDRC to create the database if necessary.

  5. Use the Data Replicator Configuration utility to configure the Replicator Service control database.

  6. Configure a license for using the StarQuest Data Replicator. You can define sources, destinations, and subscriptions without a license, but you must configure a valid license key before you can replicate data.

  7. Start the SQDRSVC service using the Services control panel.

  8. Start the Replicator Manager.

When you start the Replicator Manager, four folders appear to show the Sources, Destinations, Connections, and Groups the service is managing. Refer to Using the Replicator Manager for information about the main Replicator Manager window. The Replication Process Overview topic describes the general steps for setting up and running a replication operation.