This panel displays the contents of the configuration file ( for the selected Staging Agent or the Launch Agent.
You can edit values of existing properties, add new properties, or delete existing properties. After completing your changes, select the Save button; the changes will be saved and the Staging Agent will be automatically restarted.
Locate the property that you wish to change, and click on the current value. That area of the window will turn into an editable text box, allowing you to enter a new value. Note that no validation of the value is performed.
You can add properties by selecting the + button at the top of the screen. Type a letter in the Name field and you will get a drop-down menu of available property names that start with that letter. These names are suggestions, and are not enforced; unsupported property names will be ignored.
You can delete properties by selecting the checkbox next to the property and select the X button at the top.
When you have completed your changes, select the Save button to save your changes and restart the Staging Agent or Launch Agent, or select the Undo button to undo your changes.
See the Configuration Reference for property names, allowed values, and explanations.