To configure a System i host system to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol you must have the following components:
Digital Certificate Manager - option 34 of 5722-SS1 (v5r4), 5761-SS1 (6.1), or 5770-SS1(7.x)
TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities - 5722-TC1(v5r4), 5761-TC1 (6.1), or 5770-SS1 (7.x)
IBM HTTP Server - 5722-DG1 (v5r4), 5761-DG1 (6.1) or 5770-DG1 (7.x)
Following are general procedures for configuring SSL on the IBM i host. Refer to your IBM documentation for details, especially the IBM i product documentation and the IBM Redbook IBM iSeries Wired Network Security OS/400 V5R1 DCM and Cryptography Enhancements (GSG24-6168).
Start the Admin HTTP instance. To verify that it is running, enter WRKACTJOB JOB(ADMIN). If it is not running, start it with STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(*ADMIN).
Use a browser and the URL https://myas400:2001 to connect to the Digital Certificate Manager. On i 6.1 and later, this URL will redirect you to IBM Navigator for i, running on port 2005; from there, select IBM i Tasks Page to see the previous version of the 2001 port tasks, which includes the Digital Certificate Manager.
Create a local Certificate Authority or obtain a certificate from a public Internet Certificate Authority.
Create a *SYSTEM certificate store.
Use “Manage Applications” to assign a server certificate to the OS/400 DDM/DRDA server and to the iAccess/JTB host servers (Central Server, Database Server, Data Queue Server, Remote Command Server, Signon Server, Host Servers, File Server).
If you are using a local Certificate Authority, select Install Local CA Certificate on Your PC from the left column of tasks. You may need to return to the main IBM Navigator for i page and re-enter DCM before Install Local CA Certificate to your PC is visible.
Select Copy and paste certificate; this will display the CA certificate in Base64-encoded ASCII data format. Select the contents of the certificate (all of the text from -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- through -----END CERTIFICATE-----) and save it in a text file, to be pasted into the SQDR Control Center's Certificate Manager, as described in Configuring SSL to Db2 for i Source.