StarQuest Technical Documents
Reinstalling SQDR Plus
Last Update: 16 May 2022
Product: SQDR Plus
Version: 4.50 and later
Article ID: SQV00PL068
The SQDR Plus installer is designed to always move forward - i.e. to update an existing installation to a newer version. In some cases it may be desirable to remove and reinstall SQDR Plus, either to revert to a previous version or to repair a damaged installation.
This technical document describes the process to remove and reinstall SQDR Plus. This process is similar to Migrating to a New Server, except that all the files are already present on the system, and there is no need to backup & restore the staging databases.
Caveat: if the purpose of the reinstall is to revert to a previous version, check with StarQuest support to verify that there have not been any changes (e.g. schema or stored procedure definitions) to the staging databases that will need to be handled.
- Preparation
- Pause I/R groups and stop SQDR
- Stop SQDR Plus Jetty & Launch Agent services service
- Export SQ_AGENTS table from the Derby database.
- Precautionary Db2 backup of SQDRPn staging databases
- Stop SQDR Plus Derby
- Use Task Manager to verify that there are no remaining Java processes
- Uninstall SQDR Plus.
- Verify that C:\ProgramData\StarQuest\sqdrplus has been renamed to sqdrplus.prev
- Install SQDR Plus. This will now appear as a fresh installation.
- Import Derby table SQ_AGENTS
- Place agtN subdirectories into post ion and handle node-properties.
- Restart SQDR Plus services
- In some cases, SQDR Control Center on the existing system may have been configured to use a port other than 8080 - e.g. existing application ServeRAID already using 8080. Supply this non-default port when reinstalling SQDR Plus.
- Identify drives or folders for Db2 table spaces and logs (e.g. S:: & L: on Windows); supply these drive letters during reinstallation of SQDR Plus.
- Make sure you know the password for Derby (SQDR Manager) that you plan to use.
- Download software in advance.
- This is a good time to clean up unused staging databases or REORG databases that are using large amounts of storage.
Uninstall SQDR Plus
- In Data Replicator Manager (Tier 3), Pause I/R groups and stop SQDR
- Stop SQDR Plus Jetty & Launch Agent services service
- Export SQ_AGENTS table from the Derby database to a text file:
- Temporarily add the following line to /ProgramData/StarQuest/sqdrplus/ & restart the SQDR-Derby service:
- Start ij from the SQDR Plus Program group and enter the following to export the rows for all Staging Agents, ignoring the row related to the Launch Agent. The number of rows should match the number of agents.
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/SQDRPLUS;user=APP;password=mypassword';
ij> CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_QUERY ('SELECT * FROM SQDR.SQ_AGENTS WHERE controlDB <> ''SQDRPLUS''', 'c:\temp\sq_agents.csv',null,null,null);
- Perform a precautionary Db2 backup of SQDRPn staging databases (optional)
db2 backup database SQDRP0 to E:\temp compress
- Stop SQDR Plus Derby service.
- Use Task Manager to verify that there are no remaining Java processes
- Uninstall SQDR Plus from the Programs & Features control panel.
- Reboot if prompted.
- Verify that C:\ProgramData\StarQuest\sqdrplus has been renamed to sqdrplus.prev
Install and restore configuration
- Install SQDR Plus. Since we are reinstalling only SQDR Plus, not SQDR, you can choose to skip the installation of SQDR (Windows). A fresh install of SQDR Plus will also create the SQDRC database (for use as the SQDR control database) and customize Db2 DBM (Database Manager) parameters.
- Import Derby table SQ_AGENTS:
- Temporarily add the following line to /ProgramData/StarQuest/sqdrplus/ & restart the SQDR-Derby service:
derby.user.APP=mypassword - start ij and enter the following to import the text file:
- Temporarily add the following line to /ProgramData/StarQuest/sqdrplus/ & restart the SQDR-Derby service:
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/SQDRPLUS;user=APP;password=mypassword';
ij> set schema SQDR;
ij> CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_IMPORT_TABLE (null,'SQ_AGENTS','c:\temp\sq_agents.csv',null,null,null,0);
- Copy or move agtN directories from \ProgramData\StarQuest\sqdrplus.prev\conf\ (Windows) to \ProgramData\StarQuest\sqdrplus\conf\.
- Copy conf/agt0/ to conf (rename the original just in case)
- Edit \ProgramData\StarQuest\sqdrplus\conf\ - replace the encrypted password with the encrypted password value of the conf\ file from the original system.
- Restart SQDR Plus services.
In Data Replicator Manager
- Start the SQDR service.
- Resume the paused I/R groups.
The information in technical documents comes without any warranty or applicability for a specific purpose. The author(s) or distributor(s) will not accept responsibility for any damage incurred directly or indirectly through use of the information contained in these documents. The instructions may need to be modified to be appropriate for the hardware and software that has been installed and configured within a particular organization. The information in technical documents should be considered only as an example and may include information from various sources, including IBM, Microsoft, and other organizations.