StarQuest Technical Documents

Using StarSQL for Java with IBM's WebSphere Application Server Community Edition

Last Update: 28 March 2018
Product: StarSQL for Java
Version: 2.2 or later
Article ID: SQV00SJ010


IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Community Edition is IBM's low-cost, open source Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application server, based on Apache Geronimo and Apache Tomcat. Its configuration and usage differs from IBM WebSphere Application Server.

The StarSQL for Java JDBC driver can be used with WebSphere Application Server Community Edition (WASCE) to access DB2 data. This document explains how to configure WASCE v2.1 to use StarSQL for Java.

Note that IBM withdrew WASCE from marketing and support on September 30, 2016; the final release was v3.0. The replacement product is WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core.


  1. Launch the Websphere Administrative Console and login. The default user and password is system and manager.
  2. On the left pane, expand Services and choose Repository.
  3. In the Add Archive to Repository form near the top of the page enter the following and click Install:
  • Group: StarSQL for Java
  • Artifact: JDBC
  • Version: 2.58
  • Type: JAR

You should now see a new entry StarSQL for Java/JDBC/2.57/JAR in the list of Current Repository Entries.

  1. In the left panel, choose Database Pools under Services.
  2. Create a new database pool by selecting Using the Geronimo database pool wizard and editing the following fields:
  • Name of Database Pool: give this a meaningful name (e.g. MYDB2).
  • Database Type: select Other from the dropdown list. (Other is the generic resource adapter that works with any Java database connectivity (JDBC) database manager but only supports local transactions).
  1. Click Next and fill in the following fields:
  • JDBC Driver Class: com.starsql.jdbc.SQDriver
  • Driver Jar: select the item you added to the repository (e.g. StarSQL for Java/JDBC/2.58/JAR)
  • DB User Name: the username used to connect to the database
    DB Password: password for that user
  1. Click Next and fill in the following fields:
  • JDBC Connect URL: jdbc:StarSQL_JDBC://host:port/RDB e.g. jdbc:StarSQL_JDBC://myhost:446/MYDB2
  • Transaction Type: LOCAL
  • Configure pool parameters as desired or leave at the defaults.
  1. Click Test Connection.
  2. If successful, click Deploy. Your newly-created database pool should be displayed as Running.

You can run ad-hoc SQL in the lower part of this window:

  1. Select the datapool that you just created from the dropdown for Use DataSource.
  2. Enter a SQL command.
  3. Select Run SQL.
  4. The Query Result is displayed at the bottom of the page.


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