StarQuest Technical Documents

Creating a Custom StarSQL v5.x/6.0 Installable Image

Last Update: 08 March 2012
Product: StarSQL
Version: 5.x
Article ID: SQV00SQ006


This document describes how to create and execute a silent installation of StarSQL v5.x and v6.0. See Silent Installation of StarSQL for instructions on creating a silent installation of StarSQL v6.1 and later.

The installer for StarSQL v5.x and v6.0 is an InstallScript MSI project. A normal (non-silent) installation receives the necessary input from the user in the form of responses to dialog boxes. However, a silent installation does not prompt the end user for input. Instead, it gets its input from the InstallShield Silent response file (.iss file).


Summary of Procedures

Creating a Response File

To create a response file, run Setup.exe with the /r argument, which runs the installation normally and creates the response file used by a silent installation. This will create a response file named Setup.iss in the Windows or WinNT directory. To specify a different name or location for the response file, use the /f1 argument to Setup.exe.

Running the Silent Installation

To run an installation silently based on the contents of a response file, the end user runs Setup.exe with the /s argument. By default, Setup.exe looks for a response file called Setup.iss in the same directory as Setup.exe, but the /f1 argument can be used to specify an alternative name and location of the response file.

Status information for the silent installation is recorded in a file called Setup.log, created in the same directory as the response file being used. Use the /f2 argument to specify a different name and location for the log file.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Copy the installation source media to a shared network folder e.g. F:\starsql_install.
  2. Create a response file by running SETUP.EXE /R (from a command prompt) and choosing the options that you wish to use. Generally, you will choose a Typical installation for most end users or a Custom installation and unselect the items that you do not wish to install on end user machines, such as Licensing, unused Networks or Hosts, and all of the Tools except DRDA Trace Recorder.

Important note regarding licensing: Currently you must perform a Custom installation de-select the Licensing item if you wish to create a silent installation. Otherwise, the Licensing Configuration application will be invoked, whether or not you are running in silent mode. This will be remedied in a future version of StarSQL. We recommend that you either use SQIMPORT or use the default license server name of “starlic” to supply licensing information in a silent install scenario, rather than using the Licensing Configuration application.  Refer to the StarSQL for Windows Users Guide for details on SQIMPORT and the default license server name.

  1. Copy the resulting setup.iss file to the installer directory; you may want to rename it to something meaningful –

C> copy \winnt\setup.iss F:\starsql_install\install.iss

After copying the setup.iss file, delete it.

  1. Run SETUP.EXE /R a second time to create an uninstall response file (choose the Remove option), and copy it to the installer directory:

C> copy \winnt\setup.iss F:\starsql_install\uninstall.iss

  1. The following batch files will invoke SETUP with the appropriate response files. Note that the logfile should go into a directory that is writable by the end user.
  1. Copy the following contents into a text editor and save the file as INSTALL.BAT.


REM By default, silent install expects a response file named setup.iss in the current directory

REM Use /f1 to specify an alternate name and fully qualified location for the response file. Be sure there Is no space between /F1 and its argument.

set DIR=F:\starsql_install

set RESPONSEFILE="%DIR%\install.iss"

set LOGFILE="%TEMP%\setup.log"

setup /s /f1%RESPONSEFILE% /f2%LOGFILE%

  1. Copy the following contents into a text editor and save the file as UNINSTALL.BAT.


set DIR=F:\starsql_install

set RESPONSEFILE="%DIR%\uninstall.iss"

set LOGFILE="%TEMP%\uninstall.log"

setup /s /f1%RESPONSEFILE% /f2%LOGFILE%

  1. Run the INSTALL.BAT to install StarSQL in silent mode. Run the UNINSTALL.BAT to uninstall StarSQL in silent mode.

Importing a Data Source and License Configuration

The installer can import both a StarSQL data source and a license configuration during the installation.

  • To import a data source:

Create a DSIMPORT.TXT file as instructed in the StarSQL User's Guide or in the technical document How to Distribute StarSQL Data Source(s) to Your Users. Copy this file to the root of the installation directory (i.e. F:\starsql_install), it must be in the same location as the setup.exe.

  • To import a license configuration:

Follow the StarSQL User's Guide to find the starlic.lic file which contains the license information. Copy this file to the root of the installation directory (i.e. F:\starsql_install), it must be in the same location as the setup.exe.

Additional Information

You may want to perform a silent uninstall of StarSQL 2.x, 3.x, 4x before executing a silent install of StarSQL 5.x.The following script will silently uninstall older versions of StarSQL (previous to StarSQL 5.0). These versions used an installer created with InstallShield v5.5.

You may need to adjust values in the script if you have installed StarSQL to a different location, and the name of the ISU file may vary with older (v2 & v3) versions of StarSQL. You can copy the Properties of the shortcut for “Uninstall StarSQL” located in the Start Menu and add “-a” to indicate silent mode.

*  Copy the following into a text editor and save as UNINSTALL_V4X.BAT:


REM -a = Run the uninstaller in silent mode. In this mode unInstallShield will not display any messages to the end user indicating that the REM uninstallation has taken place. When running in silent mode, if unInstallShield encounters a shared file for which it would normally display the REM dialog box asking the user whether to remove the shared file, it will automatically reduce the reference count to zero and not remove the file. REM Therefore, running unInstallShield in silent mode is functionally equivalent to an uninstallation in which the user selects the “No to all” REM option when this dialog box first appears.

C:\WINNT\IsUninst.exe -a -fC:\StarSQL\STRSQL32.ISU -c"C:\StarSQL\Programs\LATC.DLL"

Run the UNINSTALL_V4X.BAT file to uninstall a previous version of StarSQL in silent mode.


The information in technical documents comes without any warranty or applicability for a specific purpose. The author(s) or distributor(s) will not accept responsibility for any damage incurred directly or indirectly through use of the information contained in these documents. The instructions may need to be modified to be appropriate for the hardware and software that has been installed and configured within a particular organization.  The information in technical documents should be considered only as an example and may include information from various sources, including IBM, Microsoft, and other organizations.