StarQuest Technical Documents

Sample ADO Code to Call a Stored Procedure and Return Output Data

Last Update: 26 June 2008
Product: StarSQL
Version: 5.x
Article ID: SQV00SQ044


This document provides sample Active Server Page (ASP) code that uses ADO with StarSQL to call a stored procedure and return output parameter data. This sample assumes there is already a stored procedure registered on the host that calls an existing program.


For StarSQL users connected to DB2/400, result sets cannot be returned from AS/400 stored procedures. However, results from the stored procedure can be returned using output (or input/output) parameters. The following code illustrates how to call a stored procedure and display the result data.

DB2 for OS/390 or z/OS v5 or later users can return a result set from a stored procedure and/or output data using the same method described in this document.

The sample code does the following:

  1. Connects to a StarSQL data source called "MYDSN".
  2. Creates and assigns values to one input parameter and two input/output parameters.
  3. Calls the stored procedure "CLPROG1" that is located in library "PETER".
  4. Displays the results of the input/output parameters to the screen.

Note: Since the application receives a recordset back from the Execute call, in order to receive the results of the output parameters, the recordset needs to be set to "Nothing".

'Establish the connection
Set Conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open strConn

'Define the command object
Set Cmd=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Cmd.ActiveConnection = Conn
Cmd.CommandText = "PETER.CLPROG1"
Cmd.CommandType = 4

'Create and append the parameters
Cmd.Parameters.Append Cmd.CreateParameter("P1",129,1,10)
Cmd.Parameters.Append Cmd.CreateParameter("P2",3,3,13)
Cmd.Parameters.Append Cmd.CreateParameter("P3",129,3,10)

'Set the parameter values

'Execute the "CALL" statement for the procedure. ADO 'constructs the CALL statement
set rs1=Cmd.Execute

'Free the recordset
set rs1=nothing

'Display the results
response.write "<HTML>"
response.write cmd(1)
response.write "<BR>"
response.write cmd(2)
response.write "</HTML>"

'Close the connection
set Conn=nothing

Additional References

Fronckowiak, John and David Helda. Visual Basic 6: Database Programming. California: IDG Books Worldwide, 1999.


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