Delete Command

The function of the Delete command depends on the type of object that is selected when you execute the command, as described in the table below.

Object Selected

Delete Command Function


Data Replicator closes the selected connection. If the connection is pooled, it closes immediately. If the connection is in use, the Data Replicator prompts you to confirm that you want to close the connection. If you close a connection that is being used by a replication operation, the replication will fail, and the destination table may not contain the information that was present before the replication started.


Data Replicator prompts you for confirmation, then permanently removes the selected destination from the main window and closes any pooled connections between the Replicator Service and that destination. Data Replicator will not delete a destination if existing subscriptions use that destination, or if there are active connections between the Replicator Service and that destination at the time of the deletion request.


Deletes the selected group from the Groups folder. A dialog appears so you can choose whether you want to delete the original member subscriptions. If you choose Do Not Delete Group Member Subscriptions, the selected group is deleted but snapshot subscriptions remain associated with the source and in any other groups in which they are a member. If you choose Delete All Group Member Subscriptions, the subscriptions also are deleted from the source they are associated with unless the subscription is a member of a different group, in which case those subscriptions are not deleted. You also can execute the Delete Statistics command to discard only the statistics related to running the group of subscriptions.


Deletes the selected subscription as a member of the group. A snapshot subscription is not deleted from any other group that it is a member of or from the original source it is associated with.


After you confirm you want to delete the selected source, the Replicator Manager closes any pooled connections to the source, permanently deletes any subscriptions that were defined for the source, removes any of those subscriptions that are members of a group, and removes the source from the main window. You cannot delete a source if there are active connections to it.


To permanently remove the subscription, select it and execute the Delete command. If the subscription is a member of any group, it also is removed from the respective group(s) after you confirm you want to delete it. For a selected subscription, you can execute the Delete Statistics command if you just want to discard the replication statistics for the subscription.