A destination is the database server, database, or table to which the source object (table, view, alias, or synonym) is replicated. Although you must define the source object before you can define a subscription, you do not need to pre-define destinations. The Add Subscription Wizard allows you to create a new destination or modify an existing destination as you define the subscription. Destinations that you specify using the Add Subscription Wizard are automatically added to the Destinations folder.
The destination must be defined as an ODBC data source name (DSN) that uses a driver associated with the database management system that will receive the replicated data. The definition also must include the user ID and password to use when replicating the specified data to the destination system.
Since different replication operations can use different user IDs, a single destination computer may be represented as multiple destinations in Data Replicator, each of which has its own user-supplied destination name and its own combination of user ID and password.
When you select the Destinations folder in the left pane of the main window and have Details selected for the View menu options, the right pane displays the following information for each destination associated with the current Replicator Service:
The name Data Replicator uses to identify the destination
The ODBC data source name (DSN) associated with the destination
The user ID that Data Replicator uses when replicating to this destination. For a SQL Server destination, the user ID displayed is the SQL Server login.
To sort the list of destinations, click any column heading to sort according to the values in that column. Click the same column header again to change between ascending and descending sort order.
When you select a specific destination in the left pane of the main window and have Details selected for the View menu options, the right pane displays the following:
The name Data Replicator uses to identify the destination
The ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) associated with the destination
The database User ID that SQDR uses when replicating to this destination (for SQL Server destinations, this is the SQL Server login)
The number of connections to the destination that are currently active
The number of connections to the destination that are being held open in the connection pool.
Select a destination in the right pane and right-click to display a context menu from which you can delete the destination (if there are no subscriptions that reference it) or display the destination properties.