When you select a database, you can perform the following operations from the Databases drop-down menu:
Disable an Agent: Select the Database and choose Disable Agent from the Database drop-down menu. Disabling an agent prevents it from automatically starting when the Launch Agent service is restarted.
Note that deleting an agent only removes knowledge of the agent from the Launch Agent's repository; it does not remove the users and schema that were created on the source system when the database was added to SQDR Plus. SQDR Plus will attempt to clean up the conf/agtN directory and the local control databases on the staging agent, but these cleanup operations may not succeed if the control database is in use by the SQDR client or by the SQDR Control Center (jetty). See the Technical Note Deleting an SQDR Plus Staging Agent for more information.
The following stacked (collapsible) panels are available in the right pane of the Manager window. Click on the title bar of the panel you wish to view; that panel will expand and the other panels will shrink.
Remote Journals (Db2 for i Source)
To update the programs that reside on the source system:
Select the Database and choose Stop Agent from the Database drop-down menu.
Select Update Host Components from the Database drop-down menu.
Enter the credentials (user and password) for a user on the source system that has sufficient authority to update the host components, such as a user with SECOFR authority.