When you select a Groups folder in the left pane of the main window and click Details on the View menu, the right pane displays the following information for each group:
Name: the name that Data Replicator uses to identify the group
Error Recover: the type of Error Recovery that is set for the group
Max Concurrent Threads: the maximum number of subscriptions that can run concurrently
Replicate Indexes: whether indexes for all members of the group will be replicated
Replication Constraints: whether constraints for all members of the group will be replicated
Description: the comment entered to describe the group
Last Status: the status and timestamp for the last run of the group
When you select a specific group in the left pane of the main window and have Details selected for the View menu option, the right pane displays a row of data for each recent run of that group.
Start Time: when the group was started
Elapsed Time: how much time elapsed while the group ran
Rows: the number of rows replicated if the group replicates tables
Bytes: the number of bytes replicated if the group replicates tables
Throughput: the average number of bytes replicated per second
Status: the overall status of the group, which represents the most severe status for any subscription in the group
Click any column heading to sort according to the values in that column. Click the same column heading again if you want to change between ascending and descending sort order.
To see additional information about the replication statistics, double-click the event, or execute the View Replication Event command. You may need to review the status of each member in the group to determine which subscription has a warning or error if the overall group status indicates a problem. You can execute the Run Group command to re-run a baseline replication for any subscription that is in a warning () or error (
) state. If the schedule for the group is set to As Needed, SQDR will automatically re-run a baseline replication for any member subscription that is stopped due to an error (
When you select the Members folder of a group and have the Details view enabled, the right pane lists the member subscriptions with the following information:
Name: the name of the member subscription
Run Order: the order in which the subscriptions will start (see Controlling the Run Order of Subscriptions for more information)
Source Table: the name of the source table from which the subscription obtains the data to replicate
Destination: the name of the destination DSN that receives the replicated data
Destination Table: the name of the destination table that receives the replicated data
Last Status: the status of the last replication operation for the subscription
Last Timestamp: the date and time that the last replication operation completed