The Advanced tab of the Destination Properties dialog allows you to modify the Maximum Connection Pool Size and Maximum Number of Connections settings for the destination. For a destination that uses StarSQL to communicate with Replicator Manager, the AS/400 Multi Member File Access check box also appears as an advanced property.
Property |
Description |
Maximum Connection Pool Size |
Specifies how many unused connections to leave open between the Replicator Service and the specified destination. Leaving connections open can improve performance because it eliminates the overhead used in allocating and deallocating a connection. To specify a timeout period after which the Replicator Service will automatically close a pooled connection, click the Connection Pools tab in the Service Properties dialog and specify a Time Limit. |
Maximum Number of Connections |
Specifies the maximum number of connections that can be made between the Replicator Service and the selected destination. The limit applies to the combination of DSN and database user ID designated by the selected destination name. It does not affect other destinations, although they may be served by the same computer. For SQL Server destinations, the total number of connections to a single SQL Server computer may be limited to the number of SQL Server licenses you hold. |
AS/400 Multi Member File Access |
This checkbox appears only if the Data Replicator communicates with the selected destination by means of a StarSQL data source. If the destination database is Db2 for i and you enable this option, subscriptions that use this destination can be set to replicate to a regular SQL table or to a specific member of a multi-member physical file. You must perform a one-time registration procedure on the IBM i Server before attempting to replicate to or from an individual member. |
Stream (Using Apply extensions) |
This checkbox is used when configuring the streaming support introduced in SQDR v6. See the technical documents Using SQDR Streaming Support with Azure Databricks Using Stelo Data Lake Sink Connector for Azure Databricks Using SQDR with Google BigQuery
If this checkbox is selected and Use Native-Loader Function is selected on the destination panel of an incremental subscription, then SQDR will perform baseline operations using the streaming support - baseline information will be handled by SQDR Plus (Tier 2) - depending on the destination, baseline information may be sent as Kakfa messages, or fetched from the staging database by a Databricks notebook using JDBC, or sent using BigQuery API's. When a new destination is created using the
Simba BigQuery or Simba Spark (Databricks) ODBC driver, this checkbox
is enabled by default, and the Default Parameters is pre-populated
with suggested default values which can be used as a starting
point when defining an incremental group. |
Defaults: Database Object Schema Create Table |
These values are used as defaults for target database and object schema when creating a new subscription. Modifying these values do not affect existing subscriptions.
The Create Table clause augments the CREATE TABLE statement that SQDR uses when creating the destination table and supports a simple macro substitution capability: ^d - quoted destination name ^f - quoted fully qualified destination name ^~d - unquoted destination name ^~f - unquoted fully qualified destination name