StarQuest Technical Documents
Quick Start Guide to Using the StarSQL for Java JDBC Driver
Last Update: 14 January 2019
Product: StarSQL for Java
Version: 2.5x or later
Article ID: SQV00SJ007
This document is a guide for installing and configuring the StarSQL for Java software on a Windows, UNIX/Linux, or Mac OS X computer, and is intended for first-time users of StarSQL for Java. Users who are upgrading an existing installation should refer to the Release Notes and the StarSQL for Java User's Guide for upgrade instructions. Read the complete document before starting your installation.
The estimated time to complete all tasks is approximately 30 minutes.
Before You Begin
Before you begin, review the following list to ensure that you have the information and files you need, and that your computer environment provides the minimum requirements.
General Requirements
- You have requested and downloaded the StarSQL for Java, StarAdmin and StarLicense (UNIX and Mac OS X only) software. All software packages are distributed as compressed files that you download from the StarQuest Ventures Web site.
- UNIX/Mac OS X users only: You have installed and configured StarLicense for UNIX or StarLicense for Windows on a computer accessible by the computer that will run StarSQL for Java. This computer does not not necessarily need to be the same as where you are installing StarSQL for Java.
- You have access to a user ID that has administrative (Windows) or root (UNIX/Mac) authority on the computer where the software will be installed.
- You have a valid DB2 user ID that provides adequate authority to connect to the database.
- Ensure that the computer where StarSQL for Java will be installed has the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE) v1.5 or later installed and specified in the system PATH. You can obtain the Java Runtime Environment free of charge from Oracle at From a command prompt, run the java -version command to verify that Java is installed and can be located, as shown in the following example.
C:\>java -version
java version "1.6.0_03"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_03-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0_03-b05, mixed mode)
In order to connect to a DB2 host, an application must supply StarSQL for Java with basic connectivity information, either in a conection URL or in a data source configuration. This DB2 connectivity information will also be used after the installation to bind host packages using the StarAdmin application.
Collect the required DB2 host information, as described below, or request this information from your network and database administrators.
- Locate the Database Name (or Relational Database name) of the database that you want to connect to. In the StarAdmin connection dialog, set the Server value to the database name. You will set the StarSQL for Java configuration parameter databaseName to this value.
- DB2 for z/OS users: this is the DDF Location Name of the database.
- DB2 for i users: run the AS/400 command WRKRDBDIRE and locate the entry with a Remote Location value of *LOCAL. If such an entry does not exist, create it with the 1=ADD option.
- DB2 for Linux, Unix & Windows users: in the left pane of the DB2 Control Center, the databases are shown below the "Database" folder.
- DB2 Server for VSE & VM: for VSE the database name typically is defined in the DBNAME directory, and for VM the dbname parameter is specified in the CMS Communications Directory in the CMS file of type NAMES.
- DB2 for i users only: create an empty library on the host called STARSQL for use as the Package Collection name in StarAdmin and the collection in the StarSQL for Java data source configuration. Alternatively, set the Package Collection or collection parameter value to the name of an existing library (e.g., QGPL) and verify that the AS/400 user who will run StarAdmin to bind packages has read and write authority to this library.
- Determine the IP address or network host name of the DB2 host. This value will be used as the Host (StarAdmin) and serverName (StarSQL for Java).
- Identify the port number on which DB2 listens for connection requests.
- DB2 for z/OS users: the port number can be found on the DSNTIP5 panel.
- DB2 for i users: use the WRKSRVTBLE command and look for the DRDA entry with the port number.
- DB2 for Linux, Unix & Windows users: in the DB2 Control Center, right-click the DB2 instance, select Setup
Communications, and select the TCP/IP option. In Properties, locate the port number that is configured for DRDA communications. - DB2 Server for VSE & VM: the DBNAME directory contains an entry for each DB2 server that specifies the TCP/IP port number to use (the TCPPORT parameter).
The following sections guide you through the following major tasks:
Step 1: Install StarSQL for Java (estimated time: 5 minutes)
Step 2: License the Software (estimated time: 5 minutes)
Step 3: Install StarAdmin and Bind StarSQL Host Packages (estimated time: 10 minutes)
Step 4: Verify Connectivity (estimated time: 5 minutes)
Step 1: Install StarSQL for Java
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
To successfully complete this section, you will need a user ID that has administrative (Windows) or root (UNIX/Mac) authority on the computer where the software will be installed. For installation instructions, click on the link for your operating system.
- Log on to Windows as a user with administrative authority.
- Extract the contents of the software file that you downloaded into a temporary directory.
- From the temporary directory, run the setup.exe application to start the installation.
StarSQL for Java is distributed as an .rpm file for installation by the RPM Package Manager and as a .tar file that uses a setup script for installation on UNIX or Linux computers that do not support RPM. To use either of these methods you run the setup shell script. The setup script extracts the contents of the starjdbc.tar file or invokes rpm when using the RPM installer.
- Log on to the UNIX/Linux computer as root user.
Extract the downloaded package to a temporary directory using the tar -options <filename> command, as shown in the following example.
# tar -xvf starsql-java-rpm.tar
- From the directory where you extracted the files, enter the following command to run the setup shell script.
# ./setup
The installation process installs the StarSQL for Java software into the default directory shown in the following table for each supported UNIX platform.
UNIX Platform Default StarSQL for Java Installation Directory AIX /usr/lpp/starsql_java FreeBSD /usr/local/share/starsql_java HP-UX /opt/starsql_java Linux /usr/share/starsql_java Solaris /opt/starsql_java
Mac OS X
To install StarSQL for Java on a Mac OS X computer:
- Use the Finder to open the folder that contains the installation source files.
- Double-click setup-macos.command, you will be prompted for your password. On recent versions of MacOS, hold down the control key while double-clicking setup-macos.command so that you can bypass the "Unknown Publisher" warning.
The default directory for installing StarSQL for Java on a Mac OS X computer is /Applications/starsql_java.
Step 2: License the Software
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
For licensing instructions, click on the link for your operating system.
To license the software, you need a license key provided by StarQuest support..
Alternate Licensing Instructions
- On the computer where StarSQL for Java is installed, open the StarLicense Configuration utility from Start --> Programs --> StarSQL for Java --> StarLicense Configuration. Record the Host ID displayed on the License Online tab and supply this to StarQuest support.
- StarQuest support will supply a license key.
- On the computer running StarSQL for Java, open the StarLicense Configuration utility from Start --> Programs --> StarSQL for Java --> StarLicense Configuration. Under the Licenses tab, click the Add button and enter in the license key.
UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X
These instructions assume that you have installed and configured StarLicense for UNIX or StarLicense for Windows on a computer accessible by the computer running StarSQL for Java. You will need to know the name or IP address of the StarLicense server, the port on which is listens for licensing requests, and the Product ID of the license installed in StarLicense. If you are unsure of these values, ask the administrator who initially configured StarLicense.
- Locate the file in the directory where StarSQL for Java was installed.
- Edit the [ClientServer0] section of the file to specify a StarLicense server to use for licensing StarSQL for Java connections. The file must contain the following section to identify the license server.
- Save the file when finished.
For both Windows and UNIX/Linux/MacOS:
If you are connecting to IBM B2 for i and received a license for StarSQL for iSeries (Product ID "CA"), edit the file located in the directory where StarSQL for Java was installed (on Windows, you can use the "Edit" shortcut in the StarSQL for Java program group) and uncomment the following line:
Step 3: Install StarAdmin and Bind StarSQL Host Packages
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
We recommend using StarAdmin on a Windows system to bind StarSQL packages on the host system. See the Binding StarSQL Packages Using StarAdmin technical document for instructions.
Step 4: Verify Connectivity
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
StarSQL for Java supplies several sample applications that can be used to verify database connectivity. These applications can be found in the samples subdirectory in the StarSQL for Java installation directory.
To test basic connectivity, use the simpconn application in the \samples\simpconn directory.
- Open the simpconn.bat (Windows) or (UNIX/Linux or Mac OS X) file in a text editor.
- Edit the URL, USER, and PASSWORD variables to specify values appropriate for your database environment. Save the file.
- To run the simpconn application on:
- Windows: open a command prompt, change directory to the \samples\simpconn directory and run the simpconn.bat file.
- UNIX/Linux or Mac OS X: run the to launch the simpconn application.
If the connection is successful, the output will look similar to the following:
Connected to jdbc:StarSQL_JDBC://MYHOST:446/MYRDB
Database DB2/400
Version QSQ05040
Driver StarSQL for Java
Version V2.52.0316
pass 1 completed
Press Enter to close the connections
To test the ability to query the database using either QueryApp or CatalogApp, perform the following procedures:
- Start QueryApp or CatalogApp from Start --> Programs --> StarSQL for Java --> Samples.
- Enter the Database, Host, Port, UserID and Password for the DB2 system that you want to connect to.
- Click the Connect button. If the connection fails, review the error message at the lower portion of the dialog, correct the problem and retry the connection.
- Execute a simple SQL query (QueryApp) or view the catalog information for a specific database object (CatalogApp).
UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X
- Run the shell script (UNIX) or samples.command (for MacOS X).
- From the menu of the available sample applications and utilities, as shown below, select either CatalogApp or QueryApp.
StarSQL for Java Utility & Sample Applications
1) ShowVersion
2) CatalogApp
3) QueryApp
4) LobTestApp
5) CreateDS - Create a DataSource
6) Transaction Log Manager
7) Exit - Enter the Database, Host, Port, UserID and Password for the DB2 system to which you want to connect.
- Click the Connect button. If the connection fails, review the error message at the lower portion of the dialog, correct the problem and retry the connection.
- Execute a simple SQL query (QueryApp) or view the catalog information for a specific database object (CatalogApp).
Refer to the StarSQL for Java User's Guide for instructions on running the other sample applications.
Continuing Your Software Evaluation
This Quick Start Guide is intended to help you install the StarQuest software and access DB2 data as quickly as possible.
As you use the StarSQL software, refer to the product documentation for more information. StarSQL for Java includes a User's Guide that provides more information about driver configuration and defining connection URLs and data sources.
If you encounter any problems while using the evaluation software, please open a problem report with StarQuest Customer Support at or call +1 415.669.9619 for assistance.
Additional References
StarSQL for Java Release Notes
StarSQL for Java User's Guide
The information in technical documents comes without any warranty or applicability for a specific purpose. The author(s) or distributor(s) will not accept responsibility for any damage incurred directly or indirectly through use of the information contained in these documents. The instructions may need to be modified to be appropriate for the hardware and software that has been installed and configured within a particular organization. The information in technical documents should be considered only as an example and may include information from various sources, including IBM, Microsoft, and other organizations.