StarQuest Data Replicator Technical Documents

Article # SQV00DR006
This article answers frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the StarQuest Data Replicator (SQDR).

Information about SQDR v6
Upgrade Considerations for SQDR v6 & later
Article #SV00DR046
SQDR 6.1x is a major release. This document describes in detail some of the differences between SQDR 6.1x and earlier versions of SQDR. See the SQDR 6.x Release Notes for the latest information.

SQDR/Linux v6 Quick Start Guide
Article # SQV00DR050
This document is a guide for installing and configuring the StarQuest Data Replicator 6x & later on Linux.
Stelo Watchdog for Linux
Article # SQV00DR055
This document describes the Stelo Watchdog for Linux, used to ensure that the SQDR service is always running.
SQDR/Windows Quick Start Guide (SQDR 4.5x and later)
Article # SQV00PU008
This document is a guide for installing and configuring the StarQuest Data Replicator 4.5x & later on Windows for snapshot replications. To use SQDR for incremental replications, please refer to the SQDR Plus Quick Start Guide.
Troubleshooting SQDR Installation and Setup Issues
Article # SQV00DR026
This technical document describes some of the issues that may be encountered when installing StarQuest Data Replicator or performing initial setup tasks.
Troubleshooting SQDR Usage Issues
Article # SQV00DR027
This technical document describes some of the issues that may be encountered when using StarQuest Data Replicator.
Recommended ODBC Drivers
Article # SQV00DR042
This technical document list the recommended ODBC drivers for each of the DBMS types supported by SQDR, plus alternatives that may be recommended in certain situations.
Upgrade Considerations for SQDR and SQDR Plus
Article # SQV00DR041
The technical document describes issues related to upgrading to the current version of SQDR and SQDR Plus.
Upgrading to 64-bit SQDR (SQDR 4.5x & later)
Article # SQV00DR029
SQDR 4.1x and earlier was distributed as a 32-bit application, though frequently it was installed on 64-bit operating systems. SQDR 4.50 and later is available as a 64-bit application; this document offers guidance in upgrading from 32-bit to 64-bit SQDR.
Migrating SQDR control database from SQL Server to DB2 LUW
Article # SQV00DR037
This technical document describes how to migrate an existing SQDR control database from Microsoft SQL Server to IBM DB2 LUW by using SQDR snapshot replication.
SQDR Advanced Settings
Article # SQV00DR039
Prior to SQDR 4.90, the advanced settings described in the Reference section of the SQDR Help file were stored in the Windows registry, where they could be viewed and edited using Regedit. In SQDR 4.90 and later, these settings are stored in the SQDR control database. This technical document describes how to examine and edit these advanced settings
SQDR Quick Start Guide (SQDR 4.1x & earlier)
Article # SQV00DR001
This document is a guide for installing and configuring the StarQuest Data Replicator 4.1x & earlier and is provided for historical interest.
Installing SQL Server for a Control Database
Article # SQV00DR002
This document describes how to obtain and install the Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition to use as a control database for the StarQuest Data Replicator.
Configuring SQDR with an Existing Control Database
Article # SQV00DR028
This technical document describes how to configure StarQuest Data Replicator to use an existing SQL Server control database where company policy restricts SQL Server access.
Creating a Secure, 2-Tier SQDR Environment
Article # SQV00DR020
In certain environments, it may be necessary to secure SQDR and its dependent resources to prevent unauthorized use. This document describes how to set up a secure SQDR environment using methods that take advantage of Windows and SQL Server security.
How to Avoid a Baseline Replication after Source Table Schema Change
Article # SQV00DR023
The document provides a method for avoiding downtime due to an altered source table schema. Specifically, it illustrates how to minimize the time needed to re-subscribe to the new version of the table, while exploiting the existing destination table and data. Note that this may not be necessary for source systems supported by the Automatic DDL Replication feature added in SQDR 5.10.
Using Truncate to Minimize Logging Activity for DB2 Targets
Article # SQV00DR024
This technical document describes techniques to minimize logging activity in certain situations when the destination system is running DB2.
SQL Server Authentication Considerations
Article # SQV00DR022
This document outlines the SQDR configuration and usage considerations when using a particular SQL Server authentication mode.
Cloning SQDR Subscriptions
Article # SQV00DR011
This document provides instructions for cloning subscriptions from one SQDR 3.x system to an SQDR 3.x installation on a different computer.
Using SQDR for Limited Incremental Replication from Platforms not supported by SQDR Plus
Article # SQV00DR017
This document describes a method for using StarQuest Data Replicator (SQDR) to simulate real-time replication from a database not currently supported by SQDR Plus to any database management system that SQDR supports (DB2, Oracle, or SQL Server).
Using SQDR for Limited Incremental Replication from Platforms not supported by SQDR Plus—Advanced
Article # SQV00DR018
This document describes a method for using StarQuest Data Replicator (SQDR) to simulate real-time replication from database not currently supported by SQDR Plus to any database management system that SQDR supports (DB2, Oracle, or SQL Server). This Advanced version of the procedures describes how to create the tracking table on the remote database instead of on the source system to ensure that the entire operation succeeds or fails.
How to Replicate DB2 DATE and TIME Fields
Article # SQV00DR004
This document explains how to replicate from DB2 Date and Time data types to the SQL Server Datetime or Smalldatetime data types.
Improving SQDR Performance
Article # SQV00DR010
Use this document to help tune SQDR and the system environment to maximize performance.
Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'sa'.
Article # SQV00DR007
If the password for the SQL Server Administrator (sa) login changes, you may receive the following error message when launching the Data Replicator Manager: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'sa'.
Preserving Non-Unique Indexes for SQL Server Destinations
Article # SQV00DR035
This technical document describes stored procedures which can be installed on a SQL Server destination database to preserve existing non-unique or nonclustered indexes for replicated tables.
Error Replicating Text or Image Data to SQL Server
Article # SQV00DR013
This technical document describes a possible problem you may experience when replicating text or image columns containing null or zero-length data to SQL Server destination tables using the Replication Option native-loader function.
How to Replicate Oracle DATE Data Types to DB2 DATE Data Types
Article # SQV00DR014
This document explains how to define an SQDR subscription that properly replicates Oracle Date data types to the DB2 Date data types, using derived columns..
HInts for Using Derived Columns
Article # SQV00DR036
This document contains examples and tips for using derived columns, supplementing the information contained in the SQDR Help file.
How to Automatically Pause and Resume an SQDR Incremental Replication Group
Article # SQV00DR015
This document explains how to schedule the execution of this script using the Windows Scheduled Tasks facility.
Automating SQDR v6 tasks using PowerShell
Article #SV00DR044
SQDR tasks can be controlled programmatically using PowerShell. For instance, the combination of PowerShell and the Windows Scheduled Tasks allow you to easily perform SQDR tasks such as running a snapshot subscription or pausing an incremental subscription group on a scheduled basis. This PowerShell support replaces the COM-based programming support included in previous versions of SQDR.
Automating SQDR v5 tasks using COM (VBScript, PowerShell, Visual Basic or C#)
Article # SQV00DR025
This document explains how to control SQDR v5 tasks programmatically, using COM with VBScript, PowerShell, Visual Basic or C#.
How to Configure a Notification Alert for an SQDR Replication Event
Article # SQV00DR008
This document explains how to configure job notifications, such as to notify an operator via email, pager email, or net send alerts when an SQDR replication fails, succeeds, or completes.
SQDR and SQL Server Temporal Tables
Article # SQV00DR038
This document explains how to use SQDR with temporal tables in SQL Server 2016 & later.
Using a Partition Key for Many-to-One Replication
Article # SQV00DR040
This document explains how to create SQDR incremental subscriptions from multiple tables of similar DDL into a single destination. This technique involves using.a derived column (a Partition Key) as part of a composite primary key to uniquely identify rows in the destination related to their source.

Using SQDR v6 Streaming Support
Article # SQV00DR048
The combination of SQDR and Apache Kafka (an open-source message broker) can be used to drive incremental data from traditional database systems into new generation data engines, such as Apache Hive, MongoDB, Hadoop, MemSQL, and Cassandra. This tech note describes how to configure the SQDR Streaming Support introduced in SQDR 6.x, replacing/supplementing the original SQDR Kafka Producer of SQDR 5.x.
Using SQDR v6 Streaming Support with Azure Databricks
Article # SQV00DR049
This technical document describes the steps needed to configure Azure Event Hubs and Azure Databricks to receive and apply the incremental changes received from SQDR into Delta Lake storage.
Using SQDR v6 Data Lake Sink Connector with Azure Databricks
Article # SQV00DR051
This technical document describes the steps needed to configure SQDR and Azure Databricks to pull incremental changes from the SQDR staging database into Delta Lake storage.
Using CSV files and PowerShell to ADLSg2
Article # SQV00DR047
This technical document describes a technique using CSV files, PowerShell, and the Windows Task Scheduler to replicate data to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLSg2) and other NoSQL data repositories.
Using CSV files and PowerShell to ADLSg2
Article # SQV00DR047
This technical document describes a technique using CSV files, PowerShell, and the Windows Task Scheduler to replicate data to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLSg2) and other NoSQL data repositories.

Using SQDR Streaming Support with Confluent
Article # SQV00DR052
This technical document describes the steps needed to configure Confluent to receive and apply baselines and incremental changes from SQDR into targets supported by Confluent Connectors.

Setting up the Confluent environment
Article # SQV00DR053
This technical document describes the steps needed to gather the required connectivity information for SQDR to connect to the Confluent Cloud environment.

Using SQDR with Google BigQuery
Article # SQV00DR054
The technical document describes configuring SQDR to replicate snapshot and incremental data from any supported database to Google BigQuery.

Using SQDR Change Data Processing
Article # SQV00DR030
SQDR provides a method to supply Change Data information to a user-supplied stored procedure for purposes of auditing or "push" notifications in addition to, or instead of, updating a destination table. This technical document contains details of this function and provides a sample SQL stored procedure to be used as a model for a user-written stored procedure.
Using the SQDR v5 Kafka Producer
Article # SQV00DR034
The combination of SQDR and Apache Kafka (an open-source message broker) can be used to drive incremental data from traditional database systems into new generation data engines, such as Apache Hive, MongoDB, Hadoop, MemSQL, and Cassandra. This tech note describes how to install and configure the SQDR Kafka Producer and a StarQuest-supplied sample Kafka consumer. The Kafka interface can also be used to communicate with cloud-based streaming services such as Azure Event Hubs for Kafka, the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming service, Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka, and IBM Event Streams. This method of using Kafka works with either SQDR v5 or v6; however in SQDR 6 Using SQDR v6 Streaming Support is recommended.
Using SQDR and Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka
Article # SQV00DR043
This technical document provides detailed platform-specific information for using the Kafka support of SQDR with Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK).
Change Data Processing - Java example
Article # SQV00DR032
SQDR provides a method to supply Change Data information to a user-supplied stored procedure for purposes of auditing or "push" notifications in addition to, or instead of, updating a destination table. This technical document provides a sample Java stored procedure to be used as a model for a user-written stored procedure, and illustrates its creation and deployment using IBM Data Studio.
Using SQDR Key Logging Data
Article # SQV00DR021
SQDR provides a key logging feature that captures the incremental primary key data replicated to the destination database. This data may be helpful in troubleshooting or to dictate work flow operations. This document describes how to use SQDR to replicate the newly added records in the key logging table to another SQL Server database and present the data in a user-friendly format.
SQDR ir_keylog Table
Article # SQV00DR031
This reference document describes the format of the ir_keylog table containing the incremental primary key data replicated to the destination database. This table can be used for troubleshooting or for driving downstream events instead of using triggers.

Using TableChecker (incremental subscriptions)
Article # SQV00PL046
This document describes describes the use of TargetChecker, a Visual Basic script to verify that the number of rows in the source table match the number of rows in the destination table.
How to Enable SQDR Logging for an Incremental Replication Subscription
Article # SQV00DR016
This document explains how to enable logging at the level recommended by StarQuest Technical Support, and how to collect the log data after the error condition has been captured.
Transferring Control Database Information to Files
Article # SQV00DR003
This document provides instructions for transferring the contents of an SQDR control database to files. This information can help StarQuest support engineers troubleshoot problems with a particular installation of SQDR.
Troubleshooting Replicator Service Exceptions
Article # SQV00DR012
This technical document describes how to enable the Replicator Service to take advantage of the Windows dump facility to capture detailed information about the conditions that may be causing a failure.
Collecting Information for StarQuest Technical Support
Article # SQV00DR009
If you experience a problem with the StarQuest Data Replicator, use the following guide to collect diagnostic data to provide to a StarQuest Technical Support Engineer.